Credit Reporting Policy

  1. Introduction

Scalzo Trading Co Proprietary Limited (“the Company”) is committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), including the credit reporting provisions contained in Part IIIA of the Act. This Credit Reporting Policy outlines how the Company handles, stores, discloses, and obtains customer credit information in accordance with Australian laws and regulations.

  1. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third parties who handle customer credit information on behalf of Scalzo Trading Co Proprietary Limited.

  1. Collection of Credit Information

The Company collects credit information about customers for the purpose of assessing creditworthiness and managing credit accounts. Credit information may include but is not limited to:

  • Personal identification details such as name, date of birth, address, and contact information.
  • Financial information such as income, assets, and liabilities including information obtained from credit applications, financial statements, and credit reference checks.
  • Credit history, including repayment history, defaults, and court judgments obtained from credit reporting bodies (CRBs) or other sources.
  • Publicly available information such as bankruptcy and insolvency records where relevant to credit assessments.
  • Credit scores and assessments generated internally or obtained from CRBs or other credit assessment providers.

Credit information is collected directly from customers or from third-party credit reporting agencies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  1. Use of Credit Information

Credit information collected by the Company is used for the following purposes:

  • Assessing credit applications
  • Managing credit accounts
  • Monitoring and managing credit risk
  • Complying with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Communicating with customers regarding their credit accounts

The Company ensures that credit information is only used for lawful purposes and with the consent of the customer where required.

  1. Storage and Security

The Company stores credit information securely to prevent unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. Measures taken to safeguard credit information include:

  • Restricted access to credit information on a need-to-know basis
  • Encryption of electronic data
  • Secure storage of physical records
  • Regular review and update of security measures

Employees and third parties with access to credit information are required to adhere to strict confidentiality and security protocols.

  1. Disclosure of Credit Information

The Company may disclose credit information to third parties in the following circumstances:

  • With the consent of the customer
  • To credit reporting agencies for the purpose of credit reporting
  • To debt collection agencies or legal representatives for debt recovery purposes
  • As required by law or regulatory authorities
  • In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, where necessary

Disclosure of credit information is conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and the Company takes steps to ensure the security and confidentiality of information shared with third parties.

  1. Access and Correction

Customers have the right to access and correct their credit information held by the Company. Requests for access or correction should be made in writing to the Company’s Privacy Officer, and reasonable steps will be taken to respond to such requests in a timely manner.

  1. Compliance and Review

The Company is committed to complying with all relevant laws and regulations governing the handling of credit information. This Credit Reporting Policy is reviewed regularly to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness.

  1. Contact Information

For inquiries or concerns regarding this Credit Reporting Policy or the handling of credit information, please contact:

Privacy Officer of Scalzo Trading Co Proprietary Limited:

  • Address: 167 Kensington Road, West Melbourne 3003 Victoria, Australia.
  • Phone Number: +61 3 9245 7000
  • Email: (attention email to ‘Privacy Officer’)
  1. Implementation

This Credit Reporting Policy applies to all credit information collected, used, stored, or disclosed by Scalzo Trading Co Proprietary Limited.